Eva Maria Neubauer

Performer, Musician

Eva was born in Vienna, where she studied singing and acting at the Conservatory Vienna.

Trained as a classical soprano, she sings both pop and classical. In Musical Theatre, she sang leading roles at the Vienna Opera House, Theatre an der Wien, Volksoper, Stadttheater Baden in numerous operas and musicals: Euryanthe, GossipOperas, Peter Pan, Dreigroschenoper, Dafke, Die Überflüssigen., Friederike.

She has performed in Austrian and German theatres such as the Theater in der Josefstadt, Schauspielhaus, Theater d. Jugend, Volkstheater as well as New Players Theatre London and Theater Scala in a diverse range of roles.  Plays include: Richard III, Leonce und Lena, Shaw’s Heartbreak House, King Arthur, Heidi, Robin Hood, Woody Allen’s Midsummer Night Sex Comedy, Oberst Redl, Kanari, Helden, Antigone, Hero and Zero, Antiklimax, Die kleine Komödie, Anna und Anna. In 1998 she co-founded the improvisation group U.R.theater, performing with them for several years.

On screen, Eva has appeared in Austrian TV series such as Tatort, Kommissar Rex, Schnell ermittelt, Der Tote am See, Soko Donau, Soko Kitzbühel, Erbschaftsangelegenheiten, Copstories, Es kommt noch dicker, Oberösterreichischer Landkrimi.  

German and Austrian film include: Immer nie am Meer, Wie eine schwarze Möwe, Rosamunde, Die Toten von Salzburg, Eisenhans, Opernzeit.

TEV productions: William Blake’s Divine Humanity, Friends, Hero and Zero.

As a composer and songwriter, she has recorded and released three albums.

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