Andreas van Engelen

Musician, Composer

Andreas is a Composer, Sound designer and recording engineer. Originally a trumpet player, he morphed through piano and keyboards mentored by Elisabeth, Otto and Manuel Cooymans and the musicology department of the University of Amsterdam, into a full-time electronic composer and sound engineer.

Recently he set up a recording room called Studio Ciminiera in TEV's HQ for the benefits of TEV, continuing recording Indian classical musicians and others.

Main achievements: Various electronic music bands (pop), 'On Wings' (pieces for piano), 'Mary Magdalen Passion' (chamber oratory), 'Muse of the New Era' (multi-ethnic music theatre) and most of the soundtrack for the TEV productions  William Blake's Divine Humanity and Eternity in an Hour. In close cooperation with Tim Bruce, Andreas has been working on a musical that is loosely based on John Milton’s poems, ‘Paradise Lost’ and ‘Paradise Regained’.  So far, six elaborate songs have been written and the story is still developing.  Also, ‘Gloria Lady God Almighty’ - for SSAT, Orchestra and keyboard - and 'No-one Noticed God' - for Orchestra, organ, sitar, guitar and tabla, ST, female chamber choir and dancers – are all in the queue.

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax".

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