Alessandro Martin


Alessandro Martin, a graduate of the Conservatory of Flamenco Guitar, studied for several years with Maestro Paco Peña and trained in Jerez de la Frontera, specialising in the accompaniment of Cante and Baile in Manuela Carpio's academy, and as a soloist and composer with Maestro Jose Luis Balao.
He has accompanied some of the most important figures in contemporary flamenco in numerous shows.
In addition to his solo concert repertoire, he frequently accompanies baile and cante flamenco, and during his artistic career he has worked on various fusion projects in countries such as India, Mexico, Morocco and Spain. He currently lives in Como, travelling often to take his music on tour with different ensembles, from the purest flamenco to experimental music groups. He collaborates with the TEV theatre company in a show that recently has taken him on tour in Belgium and Holland.

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