4 encounters to learn how to colour your illustration with watercolour and create your own palette.
Theory of colours and negative painting exercise: The Forest
Negative painting exercise with shadows: The river stones
Light/shadows and volume.
Illustration I.
Mondays from 17:30 to 19:00
In art it is always better to buy good materials, maybe less but good quality, otherwise it will be frustrating to reach a good result. In any Fine Art shop you can find all that's needed:
A block of watercolour paper 300gr, medium or fine grain with all sides glued.
As we will see in the first class with only the three primary colours you can reach a good palette: primary yellow, red (magenta) and blue (cyan).
If you want a basic palette I recommend to buy two different kinds of yellow, red and blue so you can reach even more colours:
For example:
Yellows: Lemon and Indian yellow;
Reds: Scarlet and Magenta;
Blues: Cyan and Prussian Blue
Extra colours: Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and black.
Usually every brush for water colours in a Fine Art store can be good. The cheapest of good quality can be the Winsor & Newton Cotman Brush. I suggest the round brush n.10 and n.14.
Workshop (4 sessions): 80€