TEV America

Welcome to Theatre of Eternal Values in the Americas!

TEV is one company with a shared vision to create enlightened and enlightening theatre around the world.  And just like a flower with many petals, we are delighted to share the unfolding of TEV’s work in the Americas.

For five years, TEV-America has been growing steadily, creating a children’s play, a historical drama, a comedic video-play, a video poem series, and will soon launch our first full production, Mothers of Freedom, to premiere in Boston, in 2024. 

While we remain dedicated to manifesting universal values through theatre, we also connect deeply to the specific history and stories of the places where we work.  We listen for which stories are most urgently needed to nourish, challenge and enliven the American communities we reach.




academy courses

Our classes are on hiatus right now.

Please check back soon for announcements of winter and spring classes for 2024!


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